
Crave was produced for the purpose of a final project in an English class of mine, An Introduction to Contemporary Literature. To collect the various contributors, I gathered some of my online and offline friends, posted public notices on LiveJournal communities, and told other people to spread the word around. This gave me the opportunity to see both works of friends and strangers, which I found intriguing. I wanted a wide variety of people with different talents and abilities. For Crave, I wanted diversity and experimentation. The zine format gave me a way to explore multiple aspects of two overlapping themes for the first issue: addiction and obsession. It occured to me that to talk about something so personal, people needed a personal way to do it. A zine provides an outlet for any piece of writing or art imaginable, and contributors had a lot from which to choose.

Overall, I feel the collection of pieces here are just as eclectic as I wanted them to be. This zine was months in the making but I feel satisfied with what has been produced and may even decide to continue releasing issues of Crave in the future.

Please refer to "Medium Montage: Zines As Contemporary Literature" for more information about the zine as a contemporary form of expression.

-A.E. Cox